Agenda 2030
Agenda 2030, and the Sustainable Development Goals, are the blueprint to achieve a better and a more sustainable future for all set by the United Nations General Assembly. They address the global challenges we face, including those related to environmental degradation and inequality.

Agenda 2030 is a universal agenda that contains the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) adopted by all 193 member states of the UN. The 17 goals integrate all three aspects of sustainable development: social, economic and environmental. Sustainable Development has been defined as development that meets the need of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.
At Lessebo Paper, we share the UN’s belief that sustainable development is key to fight climate changes and strive for long-term peace and prosperity for the planet. The art of paper production has been transferred though generations at the mill, and in order to create a bright future for the generations to come, a shift to sustainable society is vital. The forest is the foundation for our products, and we have high demands on how the forest is managed.
The Agenda 2030 is to be a guiding principle for all operations. Sustainable development is not supposed to be defined as an addition to regular work, rather it must be defined by what the regular work includes and how it is performed. Below, you can find some examples of how we, at Lessebo Paper, work with achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. Because, at Lessebo Paper, we believe that a sustainable society is inclusive and that diversity is vital for creativity and innovation. We aim to be an attractive employer providing a safe and stimulating working environment for all.
Goal 8 Decent work and economic growth
Our work with sustainable development is implemented within the entire organization through the regular operation systems, in development processes and in different networks with a strong focus on management and our core tasks.
Our ability to produce outstanding paper starts with our team of smart and service minded people. Employees who are happy at work, doing well and show great engagement are crucial for our success and is the core of Lessebo Paper’s organization. We want to attract, keep and develop engaged and competent employees. Lessebo Paper has a close relationship with the local working union in order to provide the best possible working environment, including health and safety, motivation and personal development.
Goal 12 Responsible consumption and production
In order to achieve higher levels of economic productivity through innovation, we improve our resource efficiency in consumption and the production of our papers. The resource efficient production is run by green energy from water, wind and solar energy, in conjunction with waste materials from local sawmills. The waste energy from the production supply the houses in Lessebo with district heating
At Lessebo Paper, we choose our suppliers with care. Lessebo Paper promotes local companies; e.g. the pallets are produced at a facility 10 minutes away from the mill and the pulp in our paper origins from the forests surrounding Lessebo. We offer one of the most climate friendly high quality design paper to the global market which makes it possible for you to choose responsibly.
In order to reach more responsible consumption habits, we need to encourage behavioural change and stimulate a shift in the market towards more sustainable alternatives. Lessebo Paper encourage innovations within the sustainable segment, by producing paper to the production of paper straws and paper bags.
Goal 13 Climate action
We have produced paper generation over generation, developing one of the most climate friendly paper in the world. It is in our nature to care and foster the surroundings for the coming generations.
Lessebo Paper is working for climate change mitigation through increasing the capacity of carbon sinks through reforestation. The trees utilized for our paper come from Swedish forests, where more trees are planted than harvested, for every tree felled, at least two new trees are planted. The goal of mitigation is to avoid significant human interference with the climate system, and stabilize greenhouse gas levels. The Swedish forests are absorbing 55 million tonnes of CO2 per year. Furthermore, utilization of Swedish pulp contributes to transports with low carbon dioxide emissions.
Energy is needed when operating logistics and especially for the transportation of goods, at Lessebo Paper we have adopted a transport efficiency strategy with optimization of transports in order to lower the CO2 emissions.
Goal 14 Life below water
Our paper mill is located by a water stream and we have responsibility of the water flow in the lake of Läen and the River of Ronneby. These waters are the habitat of thousands different species vital for biodiversity, this is why the water released from our paper mill is cleaner than the water we take in.
The paper machines at Lessebo Paper have separate closed white water system loops which enables us to keep the water consumption as low as possible. The used process water is purified in our efficient wastewater treatment plant before release. In order to maintain a good freshwater ecosystem, we analyse the quality of the discharged water on a daily basis in our SWEDAC accredited laboratory.
Lessebo Paper is a member of Ronnebyåns Vattenvårdsförbund (Water Conservation Association of the River of Ronneby), with an objective of good freshwater ecosystem.
Goal 15 Life on land
All forestry operations are certified to recognized sustainability criteria, such as the FSC® and PEFC standards, which promotes the practice of sustainable forestry worldwide. All forestry operations comply with The Forestry Act which regulates how the forest is managed through an economic, an ecologic and a cultural perspective. The ecosystems in our nature are vital, and we have high demands on how the forest is managed.
Lessebo Paper is supporting the reforestation of the global forests, by using pulp from sustainable sources. In less than 100 years, Sweden’s forest assets have doubled, it is growing with 211% since 1920. Annual net growth stands at around 120 million forest cubic meters and each year around 90 million forest cubic meters of that growth is harvested.
In order to promote a more sustainable approach to global forests, halt deforestation and promote a biocentric approach, Lessebo Paper is participating in research conducted at Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) and Umeå University.