Magnus Tegnér
Mars 11, 2019

The art of paper production has been perfected at Lessebo paper mill for centuries and the heritage is carried from generation to generation. Today, Magnus Tegnér is carrying on the tradition from his ancestors and educating the next generation.
Magnus has worked at Lessebo paper mill for 32 years and he is today part of the team at PM1, the paper machine producing colored paper, such as Lessebo Colorit and Lessebo Kaskad. “Even though I have worked here for so many years, I still find my job interesting and developing – I really enjoy it!” Magnus explains with a smile on his face. Manufacturing high quality paper is a demanding job and the production relies on the workers’ knowledge.
The Tegnér family has worked at Lessebo paper mill for generations, starting with Georg Tegnér, Magnus Tegnér’s grandfather. Georg worked in the paper production 1921 – 1974 and his wife, Magnus’ grandmother, being a member of the finishing department. At that time, the skilled personnel inspected the paper by hand and manually wrapped it into reams. Magnus’ father, Nils, has also been a member of the team at the paper mill in Lessebo, creating handmade paper.
Today, Magnus is carrying the tradition of paper making at Lessebo Paper, and he does it well with a profound knowledge of the paper made in Lessebo. If there, by any reason, are any technical questions regarding the mill – Magnus knows the answer. “I have worked at Lessebo paper mill since 1987 and I know this place like the back of my hand” The art of paper production will continue to the next generation; Magnus’ son Calle and daughter Hanna have recently joined the workforce at Lessebo Paper.