We have produced paper since 1693, a tradition characterised by our nature. Our climate-friendly paper is produced with responsibility for our environment – and the coming generations.
Low CO2 emissions through short ways of transportation
Supporting sustainable managed forestry through FSC® or PEFC. Licence code for FSC is FSC-C021923. Licence code for PEFC is PEFC/05-33-88.
Forest growth in Swedish forests in the last 100 years
Taking care of the forest
Wood, and the pulp derived from it, is the most important resource in the production of high-quality design paper. The wood origins from the vast Swedish forests, and we have high demands on how they are managed. Utilisation of Swedish wood contributes to transports with low carbon dioxide emissions, it also contributes to the extension of the Swedish forests. In less than 100 years, Sweden’s forest assets have doubled. And since the felling rate is less than the growth rate, the volume of forest continues to increase by a net increment. As the forest is constantly growing, its renewable power never ends, as long as the forest is properly managed and cared for.
All forestry operations are certified to recognised sustainability criteria, such as the FSC® and PEFC standards, which promotes the practice of sustainably forestry worldwide. Sustainably managed forests promote the livelihood of many different plants, animals and micro-organisms vital for biodiversity. These forests have a positive influence on the water supply in our region. As they are part of the natural ecosystem, they do not need any additional water to grow.
Furthermore, our products fulfil the requirements of the Nordic Swan Ecolabel, which review the environmental impact of goods and services throughout the entire life cycle – from raw material to waste and place demands on function and quality. All forestry operations comply with The Forestry Act, which regulates how the forest is managed through an economic, an ecologic and a cultural perspective.
Utilisation of Swedish wood contributes to the expansion of our forests.
Which wood species is used in the production?
Lessebo Paper mainly uses pulp from birch, which has several advantages for the paper production. Paper made of birch reaches good strength without the need for excessive energy intense treatment of the fibres. Pulp made from birch has a natural whiteness, demanding less intensive bleaching process. The result is a sheet with high opacity. Excellent image reproduction is also one the main points that makes birch a good choice for premium paper.
Birch is a very good raw material for paper production
– High strength of fibres
– Natural whiteness
– Great image reproduction
– Big presence of birch in Swedish forests
For Lessebo Paper, using wood as a resource implies taking care of the forest and supporting reforestation.
Process water is purified in our efficient wastewater treatment plant before release
Lessebo Paper is member of the Water Conservation Association of the River Ronneby
Our water consumption is minimised through closed white water system loops
Taking care of the water we use
Our paper mill is located by a water stream and we have responsibility of the water flow in the lake of Läen and the River of Ronneby. These waters are the habitat of thousands different species vital for biodiversity.
The used process water is purified in our efficient wastewater treatment plant before release. We constantly improve our operations on a regular basis and invest in more effective equipment. In order to maintain a good freshwater ecosystem, we analyse the quality of the discharged water daily in our SWEDAC accredited laboratory.
Moreover, Lessebo Paper is a member of Ronnebyåns Vattenvårdsförbund (Water Conservation Association of the River of Ronneby), with an objective of good freshwater ecosystem.
Minimising our water consumption
The paper machines at Lessebo Paper have separate closed white water system loops which enables us to keep the water consumption as low as possible.
The water is a habitat of thousands different
species vital for biodiversity.
We use 100% green electricity
Biomass fuel is used to create steam for paper production

Our waste energy supplies the houses in Lessebo with district heating
Sustainable energy consumption
The electricity used at Lessebo Paper comes from green sources, such as wind, water and solar power. Our energy is produced by 100% biomass fuel.
Our waste energy supplies the houses in Lessebo with district heating. District heating based on renewable energy has a positive environmental effect on society. We continuously improve our resource management and reducing carbon dioxide emissions.
Our paper is mainly made of birch which reaches good strength without the need for excessive, energy intense treatment of the fibers.
Taking responsibility in the source of energy is a key factor in minimising the negative environmental impact.
We chose chemicals with the least environmental impact
The use of chemicals complies with REACH standards
All pulp is totally chlorine free (TCF)
Responsible operation with chemicals
The chemicals in the production fulfil the requirements of REACH European Community Regulation, created to improve protection of human health and the environment from the risks that can be posed by chemicals as well as the promotion of alternative test methods, free circulation of substances and enhancing competitiveness and innovation.
No substances classified as carcinogenic, mutagenic or reprotoxic (CMR) are used in the production of pulp and paper. Lessebo Colours Pitch Black 9099 and Black Bird 9191 are produced without carbon black.
Lessebo Paper was one of the first paper producers in Sweden to eliminate Chlorine. Chlorine is a toxic chemical that attacks the human respiratory system, eyes and skin. It is also damaging for the environment, since the use of chlorine produces organochlorine compounds, which can destroy organisms. Today, all products from Lessebo Paper are produced from totally chlorine free pulp, TCF.
Minimising our consumption of chemicals
Through separate closed white water loop systems, the chemicals in the production are reused, which results in minimised chemical consumption.